Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Since people have expressed concern over our safety, today´s update is just to let you all know, there is nothing of interest to tell. Our experience with Felix was rather lame. We had a training class scheduled for 3 pm that got cancelled because they closed the building where we usually have class, and it rained lightly for about 8 hours. That was the only effect it had on us. The Peace Corps reacted in a totally appropriate manner, some volunteers had to go to a rally point, but that was it. The rest of us just couldn´t leave site. Security is priority number one during emergencies, and they take every precaution, and then spare no expense to take care of any problems. If something had gone wrong they literally call in the army, and they send out the blackhawks to find us.

I will do my usualy weekly update this weekend, I just wanted to let you all know Alice and I are just fine.


Unknown said...

thank you! I'm glad to know!!!


powaqa said...

oy! wonderful to hear it was a non-event.

Saint Facetious said...

Glad to hear, though I actually heard a few days ago. My mom was worried about you guys.