It was an interesting two weeks that ended with me back in Honduras, and poor Alice awaiting medical clearance to travel. A little infection is all, but she couldn't get approved for travel. We're hoping to be reunited this Thursday so we can get back to work, and so I don't depend on the neighbor as a doggy sitter.
Our visit to the States was fantastic, made so mostly by lots of love and support from our friends. It was also really weird. Entire days felt like a dream, not a wonderful dream, just a portion of your life that seems imaginary. I realized that right now, I have no real home, and won't for a while. Honduras is where I live and work, but I will always be a foreigner here in some ways. Life in the United States moves on very fast, and some people had visibly left me behind. I get this feeling I will struggle with these issues my entire life, I love new things, and I can’t see this being my last experience abroad. The friends I still have in Tulsa showed a great deal of support, dealt with me being flakey and indecisive, and did so cheerfully. My old roommate didn’t mind at all I had parties at his house or that I never knocked before letting myself in. Luckily, neither did his new roommate. People showed up when they could, and one of my friends managed to go with me to OKC within the two weeks, even though we had planned to go but never went in 6 months before I left. Sadly, I found that I was less than dependable, due to my limited time and having become accustomed to a different culture, but I did my best. If someone feels left out, I am truely sorry.
I’ve never been hit by culture shock as bad as other people, but I did learn one very important lesson. When reentering a culture, try to surround yourself with people who at least claim to be normal. Places not to go should include the renaissance fair. I like the ren fair, but from here on, I know better than to go my first day back. At one point, I was fairly certain I had gone insane.
Joel’s wedding was wonderful. Seeing Alice’s family was nice as well. My Dad came down from Iowa to hang out for a few days, and my Mom was there the whole time. Our Families are dependable, and lucky for us, they are all a little crazy too, so we fit in just as well as ever. For a change I have picture, so here are a few.

This is the waterfall we visitied with Shawn. It was wonderful. Sorry it took so long to get this picture up. I am just a bit lazy some days.

So this picture is from a slightly different angle, and Shawn helps with the scale. As you can see, it is big.

This picture shows my wife very confused. She seems to have fallen aslep and mistaken our dog for a hat.
Thats my dad and me. He is still slightly taller than me, but he has been sliding into his feet for a few years now, so hopefully I will be taller before too long.

This picture is proof I did something right, as I am obviously married to the most beautiful woman in the world. And thats what I look like in a skirt.

It seems wrong to go to a wedding and not include a picture of the bride and groom, so here is is. Alice's brother and his new wife.
So, I tried to solve the office internet problem with a router a bought, and nearly caused a repeat of the office printer problem, but I got it worked out. Now only one person is without internet, and I can fix this quickly with the right cable, or USB wireless modem. Either way, I did my part.
Now I have to go eat lunch. I am certain you will all hear fom me again soon. I am getting good at this blog thing I think.
Glad you made it back safely! And hope Al is okay! See, it was good I couldn't make it if you were seeking to be around sane people. You'd probably just ended up on another drinking binge with me around. Heh heh.
I wish i could've been there to see you!!!! next time i will be. i miss you guys a lot.
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