Monday, September 8, 2008

A quick update to ease your nerves

Things have been busier than usual, and Alice and I have both recently sent out e-mails. Alice's email was rather important and if you missed it, I recomend you shoot her an email and let her know. Mine was just a story about a crazy day. Nothing important, but if you like stories and you didn't get it, let me know. 

In other news Alice and I have pretty much finished up our work with the new trainees. They find out thier sites today and Alice and I are going to tag along to find out who is going to be close. 

Our project citizen classes are both going well. One class has been selected to go to a national meeting of educators who are going to discuss the current situation concerning civic education where our students will present the information and answer question conerning the project. Our project manager is hoping we set a good example and encourage the country's educators as a whole to adopt it.

I've jumped head first into a tourism poject and I am working with the local chamber of commerce to help bring together a website project, a compost project, and research for tourism opportunities. Right now I am getting huge participation since I am offering to design a webpage, I just hope to sucker in a few people into the other projects at the same time.

Alice and I repeated the hike and today I will leave you with some pictures of the second adventure up the mountain. 
Mountain Basset seeing how easy the trail will be and preparing to bound up the hill.

The "bridge" over the ditch the dog wouldn't cross with me.

The dog openly mocking me by crossing the bridge quickly and easily with Alice.

What would have been a good picture if photography was a skill of mine.

The waterfall. The destination. The dog on the side of the hill showing off how she needs no trail.

Until the next time.



Alice Cat said...

I love our Mountain Bassett. And she loves me more than you! :D

Saint Facetious said...

You guys must be the only people in the country with a leash. Weirdos.