I was blessed to catch my first water-born parasite, probably about a month ago, called Giaria. It's a nasty little amigo, which a week or so after you get it gives you symptoms such as stomach bloating and pain (I like another friend's description, of like in the aliens movies the aliens are trying to escape and hatch, that I had a few in my stummy trying to do the same...), continual feeling the need to burp or fart to (in vain) try and relieve the stomach pressure (this is highly annoying if you actually are trying to get any work done), explosive diarrhea, and just general not feeling good. My parasite struck hard about every three days like clockwork, with the following symptoms, for about 4-8 hours. Then, it would mostly go away and I thought I was in the clear....I finally realized it wasn't just food poisoning and now I am on meds. Doc told me I shouldn't drink the water. DUH...of course I always drink bottled water and clean my veggies. But, I have had a weakness for "jugos naturales" or natural juices made from passion fruit, pineapple, mandarines, and many more. Alas, I feel this weakness probably gave me my stomach amigo. So, it's back to coke or coffee at restaurants for me.....que triste. I will just have to learn to make my own. The med, flagyl, is pretty icky too. Gives you a metallic taste in your mouth for awhile after taking it and makes ya feel a bit queasy. But, it is very effective, which is important. I would drink beer, since the water is all dangerous and stuff but supposedly until I am done with the meds that is a very bad idea. Vive Honduras!
In other news, Drew and I are going to Costa Rica for Christmas. We are going to a volcano national park and the beach. These nice thoughts are keeping me animated currently. I can almost feel the sun, the waves, the sand in my toes and a girly drink in my hand......with purified water of course, to aviod inviting any more amigos.
(Since blogger won't allow be to apply reactions to individual posts, I have to reset them everytime I change them. So, the results are in, Parasites:2 Healthy as a horse:0. This blog was apearantly parasitic. Expect every blog to have such an ending added.)
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