Saturday, June 30, 2007

Alice's first post

This is my first post. Today I'm throwing my last party for awhile, to hang out with friends before I leave. It's a bittersweet feeling, because for most of these people, it will be a year till I see them again, maybe two. For some, never again, they will have been great friends and life moves on. I can't wait to relax and have a good time, as next week is crunch week as far as packing, final preparations, etc go.

Honduras. Couldn't have asked for a better place. I have felt for years a calling to go to Central America. I think I would have been heartbroken if I had been asked to serve somewhere else. Honestly, I probably would have backed out. Thankfully for Drew, they are sending us to a wonderful place with a great project, and in a country that has had the Peace Corps there for over 40 years. Surely we can pull this off!

1 comment:

Saint Facetious said...

You're gonna have fun, Al. I mean, not all the time. There will be times during the rainy season you'll question your decision, I'm sure, but overall, you guys will enjoy the job. Just do well.