Friday, June 29, 2007

What an adventure!

The above said phrase must be amongst the worst things I have had to hear since I started to discuss my plans with people. I suppose I have a different idea about what is an adventure. An adventure is a vaction. Its fun. Your trying something new, but you don't have to like it. When I traveled Europe it was an adventure because we were seeing what the other had to offer, and we enjoyed ourselves, but overall, nothing was expected to change. Now, I am going to accomplish something. This isn't an adventure. I'm not going to observe people from a safe distance. I am going to live as one of them, and I suspect they would find it slightly condescending if they knew we all thought of their daily routine as an "adventure". I would prefer from now on if someone tells you that they are joining the Peace Corps that you proclaim, " What an interesting career move!" If you are the type to ask questions, ask questions like, "Where do you hope to go?" or "What program do you want to do?" I could talk about my assignment or location for hours. I just don't want to be told living a life like millions of people already do is an adventure.

1 comment:

Saint Facetious said...

It's the toughest job you'll ever love. There, not an adventure at all!